
Bábika Barbie má nový model: Vzorom bola TÁTO ruská kráska

Ferrari Press Agency
 Ref 10062
Barbie 1
See Ferrari pictures
Picture must credit: Mattel

Fashion doll Barbie is celebrates her 60th birthday this year – and is stepping out in a designer gown to celebrate.The diamond jubilee is being marked with the Barbie 60th Anniversary Doll, described by US maker Mattel as embodying “ all the class and elegance this moment in time deserves.”The doll comes in both Caucasian and African-American versions, and arrives in special packaging featuring

Zdroj: Profimedia


Nina Nová

Výrobca bábik Barbie v rámci svojej kampane „Môžete byť kýmkoľvek chcete“ prináša na trh bábiky zobrazujúce rôzne povolania. Chce tak inšpirovať dievčatá po celom svete, aby sa nebáli plniť si svoje sny.



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